
When, at times, the scales of life seem to be tilted,
And in the blossoms of happiness, you find a few that are wilted, 
Think not that all is lost & you've been spurned or jilted,
Coz over every mountain there's a path which, from the valley, is not sighted. 

Live, love, and breathe every moment, every season as it passes, 
The joy of success is sweeter for those who've known losses, 
Remember, even the most tried and tested friendship, sometimes, needs braces, 
In a strange way, LIFE is like a game of noughts and crosses.

Many a time, the grass looks greener on the other side, 
Often, the boat I'm sailing in seems to be caught in a tide,
And only my garden seems to be strewn with leaves that are dried,
Everything seems to fall apart no matter how hard I've tried.

At times like these, I look at Mother Nature and seek solace,
Come rain or sun or snow, she still stands tall without a grimace, 
Her boughs and branches held intact, through the worst of storms, she is dauntless, 
Providing shelter to saplings and passersby discerningly, taking everyone and everything in her embrace.

And then I gather my wits and pull myself together, 
So what if I've been through stormy times and inclement weather, 
There'll always be a silver lining to every dark cloud, so look not hither and thither
Mother Nature teaches to revive and resuscitate, so, resolutely I decide, my wits I should gather!!

A poem by Silver Surfer Asha Nadig

Hi, I'm Asha Nadig and I live in Bangalore with my partner of 42 years. I'm one of those lucky ones to have been born and raised in Mumbai, the city of dreams. So I owe my resilience, never-say-die spirit and my zest for life to this beautiful city.

A sportsperson by interest, a wanderer by mind, a dreamer by heart, and a true romantic by soul, I grew up playing basketball, acting in plays, participating in debates, and dabbling in dubbing and voice-overs. Enid Blyton held me captive for the longest time and I think she's had a huge influence in shaping my imaginative skills. Perry Mason, Agatha Christie, Mills and Boon, Sidney Sheldon, Monica Dickens, H.G Wells and a whole horde of such amazing writers transported me to a land of fantasy, intrigue and drama.

Early on in life I realized that Science and Maths were too fraught with intricate problems and I lacked the patience to solve them. Language became my tool of expression and outlet and I found I could pick up languages quite easily. Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, English, French and passable knowledge of Gujrati and Punjabi helps me to make friends easily and learn about their cultures. Today, my interests also include singing, cooking and writing. I can't say I'm terrific at them all, but I can surely say that I do give them all my best shot.

If  you’d like to join The Silver Surfers Club – a growing community of active seniors or The Silver Surfers Travel Club - a fun, like-minded, and vibrant community of Silver Travellers, write to us at helpdesk@silversurfersclub.in or call us +91 9900911443

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Welcome to the Silver Surfers Club, a dynamic and cosmopolitan community where English-speaking, cosmopolitan and like-minded folks over the age of 50 come together to embrace life's adventures. United by shared morals, values, a sense of humor, and cultural connections, our community is a haven for those seeking fun, friendship, and purpose in their golden years.

While combating loneliness is our mission, we thrive on creating meaningful connections, fostering a lively spirit, and celebrating the joy of living. Join us on this exciting journey where every day brings new opportunities for laughter, camaraderie, and purposeful living!


After traveling across Central Asia, Bhutan, Africa and more, this January, we invite you to journey with us to the enchanting landscapes of Sri Lanka! Join our vibrant travel community, where every adventure is a tapestry of cultural richness, local cuisine, scenic wonders, and the warmth of shared moments! Check out our Gallery to get a glimpse of our holidays!

About The Silver Surfers Travel Club

Embark on a journey with the Silver Surfers Travel Club, with a focus on Community Travel where adventure knows no age limits. We are a spirited community of like-minded individuals over 50, bound by a love for exploration and discovery. Beyond the horizons of routine, we find joy in travel, creating lasting memories, and forging deep connections. Our trips are not just about destinations; they're a celebration of local culture, local food, and friendship as we step into life's next chapter. Join us as we explore the world together, redefine the meaning of wanderlust, and make every voyage a testament to the vibrancy that comes with experience and age. Let's turn the page to a new chapter of exploration and camaraderie, shall we?