3 Inspiring Silver Surfers from another shore

As you most certainly find out on a daily basis, we have a fantastic roster of Silvers here at The Silver Surfers Club excelling in anything and everything to drive what is essentially a youthful passion within.

This week however, we step outside the proverbial box and seek out inspirational folks from some other continents and countries, and the three below are the best of what we’ve run into so far!

1. Jeniffer Figge: First Woman to Swim the Atlantic

Silver Surfer Jenifer

When 56-year-old Jennifer Figge pressed her toes into the Caribbean sand in early 2009, she was utterly exhilarated and exhausted as she touched land for the first time in almost a month. Alighting at a beach in Trinidad, she became the first woman on record to swim across the Atlantic Ocean - a dream she'd had since the early 1960s, when a stormy trans-Atlantic flight got her thinking she could don a life vest and swim the rest of the way if needed!

2. Arthur Winston: Worked for 72 years at the same company and only took one day off!

Silver Surfer Arthur

Now that’s somebody who loves his job! A Los Angeles Metro employee for over 72 years, Arthur Winston was known for being honoured as the "Employee of the Century" because he was never late to work and only took one day off during his entire career, that being for his wife's funeral in 1988. He retired at the ripe old age of 100!

3. Winifred Pristell: Holds two World Records in Powerlifting!
And to top it off, Meet Winifred Pristell, 76 years old.

Silver Surfer Winfred

This great-grandma who goes by a classy nickname of "Heavy Metal" is a competitive weightlifter with two world records and aspirations for more. Winifred first took up the sport in her late 40’s due to her struggles with her weight. When she turned 60 she started to lift competitively in powerlifting meets. At 68, she set world records for her age in the bench press at 176.2 pounds and 270 pounds in the deadlift.

What do you reckon, then? If you know of talented senior folks or retirees with guile, passion and flair for something they absolutely love, feel free to direct them over to The Silver Surfers Club!

Looking forward to reclaim your life past 50, 60 and 70!? We say it’s never too late!

Click on the link below to if you’d like to speak with our friendly team to understand how you can become part of our vibrant and inspiring community of Silver Surfers, no matter where in the country or world you are!